One of our missions is to “focus on environmental responsibility as a company and as individuals by raising awareness inside the organization as well as in the community.” BGI focuses its consulting and training services toward meeting this objective with both internal and external customers.
The team assembled to provide consultative environmental, geological, and training services is second to none in this industry. The staff of professionals at BGI include geologists, scientists, and experts of various other disciplines. The consulting team handles Phase I, II, and III site assessments; installation of monitoring wells; sampling; and preparation of response plans as well as the Response Ready program. The training team handles normal compliance training on EPA, DOT, and OSHA-required courses, as well as conducts preparedness exercises, mock scenarios, table top spill drills, and other client-specific training.
Hazardous Material and Dangerous Goods Classification
Shipping a hazardous material or dangerous good that is not properly classified, marked, labeled, and documented can result in considerable fines. Our environmental consultants can help with regulations for the transport of hazardous materials, and will help you not only determine which products you ship are (and are not) subject to the regulations, but also how to comply with the regulations.
Your permits contain specific and general conditions, references to the DOT, EPA or OSHA regulations, and adoption of commitments made in your business or facilities permit application. BGI environmental consultants ensure that you are in compliance with all regulatory and permit conditions.
BGI’s safety and environmental consultants will provide you with an audit report that will identify areas of potential non-compliance that you can address before an EPA, OSHA, or DOT inspection.
Plans & Procedures
EPA, OSHA, and DOT require a vast number of written plans and procedures. BGI can evaluate your facility to determine which are applicable to your operations, and then develop the required plans and procedures for you.